Update: 12/6/2021

So here's the stich,

This project is essentially finished.

I think I learned a lot about how to code while I did this game. I finally (after 3 weeks of trying) figured out how to set up my inventory in twine,

My professor has some questions for me to answer so I think  I'll answer them here since it seems pertinent to the postmortem.

  • What is the new genre you chose and why? What is the purpose of this new project? How do you think the project you created achieves its new purpose?

                          The new genre that I had chosen for this topic was horror. I love horror and the idea that against impossible odds that the average person can make it out okay.  I specifically just made the project to entertain though since it seemed like something fun for me and everyone else. (boy I hope Markiplier plays this eventually ahahahahaaaa) I think this project achieves its purpose of entertainment because it's just kinda stupid fun. Brain candy if you will. There's nothing really to learn here other than that some people can create messed-up things and that's okay. It's like watching American Horror Story or reading Alice in wonderland. There's nothing really to be learned there it's just there for fun. Plus, I had fun creating it.

  • Who is the new audience? How did this impact your choice of medium? In other words, why is the medium (video, sound project, website, etc.) the best choice for your audience and purpose?

                           The new audience is primarily gamers, really anyone who likes to play interactive fiction or games with not a lot of visuals. Of course, this was a choice that was made because I couldn't spend a ton of time on visuals and advanced coding since I'm a beginner at this kind of stuff and also just didn't have the time for it with my other courses and all. Interactive fiction is something where I can rely on the player's imagination and go from there. I have a clear idea in my head of what exactly I'm looking at but the player may have something completely different and that's fascinating to me. Generally, anyone who plays an interactive fiction story is looking for a good story and something that they can become absorbed into. Maybe interpret in their way. I know i do.

  • What is the new medium you chose and why did you choose it?

                          The new medium that I chose was the interactive fiction game. I chose it mostly because I felt like that was going to be the most fun for me but also because I felt that the review that I had written before had fit perfectly into it. I didn't get to hit all the points that I wanted to due to lack of time and lack of money to actually go out and completely review the places that I wanted to. Especially since I was relying on google maps for the internal structure of the game and why everything leads where it does.  It's the perfect medium for telling and not showing (even though that's a sin in the writing community.)

  • What were your impressions of the technology you chose to compose with for this project? Was it easier composing with this technology than it was during the Media Labs? Why or why not? How did the Media Labs help you prepare for creating this assignment?

                          Twine was definitely a learning curve. Learning to code, in general, was a learning curve so I was super thankful when I found Twine which already had the foundation and just allowed you to go wild from there. In terms of the media labs, I think that once I finally figured out how to traverse the twine cookbook and use the proper language (SCREW Harlowe!!! Sugarcube is superior) it definitely became easier. I also had more experience with it at this point. I think it would have really suffered as a project if I had made it in PowerPoint because I wouldn't be able to have all the cool effects and randomness that I have in some passages. Random events would be entirely out and it would be set in stone with whatever happens happens. The media labs definitely helped me figure out my direction and solidified the idea that I had for this project.

  • What rhetorical decisions impacted your decision to choose this technology?

                           Primarily, accessibility and functionality.  Powerpoint really isn't made for games I've had hyperlinks that worked seconds before, break on me and ruin the entire game in one go.  I figure that if people don't have a properly functioning game then it won't keep people entertained and then it'll just make for a bad experience overall. I also wouldn't be happy with myself because I consider that a last resort and the easy way out to be completely honest.

  • What were the challenges with technology that you faced in this project? How did you overcome these challenges? What was easiest about using this technology and what did you like about it?

                         Using Twine was challenging because I hadn't had proper experience with coding before so I didn't understand why some pieces of code worked or didn't work. I have a better grasp of it now but one of the things that I'm most proud of is the fact that I finally figured out how to create an inventory. I actually had to call my mom up and tell her that I finally figured out how to make an inventory because I was so excited. Hopefully in smaller future updates if I decide to continue with this and put it back into pre-release I'll be able to fully implement that system. The thing that was easiest about this system was the fact that I didn't actually have to download an interpreter or build the foundation from the ground up. All I had to do was connect the passages [[like this]] and it would create an entirely new passage that would allow me to create the game really quickly.

  • What else would you like your instructor to know about your project and your choices that will help them give you feedback?

                       I worked really, really really hard on this piece. I know that there may be spelling mistakes in it or grammar mistakes but please have mercy on my poor little brain. It's so smooth sometimes that spelling mistakes just glide right off of it. 


Biopark Bloodbath .html Play in browser
Dec 06, 2021

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